
Book of Sketches Made at 圣马里恩堡. 佛罗里达州奥古斯汀.





原件的使用受到限制. This collection is available as color digital facsimiles (见以下链接). Microfilm and photocopies are also available for use in the library. 的 original 速写本 has been removed to 特殊的 Collections.



This collection consists of a book of hand-colored sketches made by 使医学 and others, including Bear's Heart, 水牛肉, Etah-dle-uh Doanmoe, and Koba, Cheyenne prisoners at Fort Marion in St. 奥古斯汀,佛罗里达.



制药(夏安族名: O-kuh-ha-tuh或“太阳舞者”) was a Cheyenne warrior who became one of the most prolific of the Native American artists at Fort Marion and first sergeant of the company of guards there. 当马里恩堡的囚犯 were released in the spring of 1878, 使医学 went to 新 York to be educated in the 基督教的部. He took the name David Pendleton Oakerhater after the family that sponsored him (the family of Senator George Pendleton), was ordained an Episcopal deacon on 7 June 1881, and worked as a missionary among the Plains tribes for many years.

注意: Oklahoma State University has digitized many items related to David 彭德尔顿·奥克哈特: http://library.okstate.edu/search-and-find/collections/digital-collections/david-pendleton-oakerhater/.


熊之心(夏安族名字: Nockkoist是一名夏安族战士. After his release from Fort Marion, he attended the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute in Virginia and worked as a carpenter on a reservation in Oklahoma. 他死于 肺结核.


水牛肉(夏安族名称: O-e-wo-toh是一名夏安族战士 and later a deacon in the Baptist church. 他死于肺结核.


Etah-dle-uh Doanmoe (English name: Boy Hunting, a.k.a. Edwin Dunmoe) was a Kiowa warrior who served as quartermaster sergeant of the guards at Fort Marion. 获释后,他参加了会议 Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute in Virginia and Carlisle Indian Industrial School in 卡莱尔宾夕法尼亚州. In 1880, he worked briefly at the Smithsonian Institution in 华盛顿特区.C. He returned to the Indian Territory as a Presbyterian missionary in 1888.

Co-hoe (1853 - 1924)

Co-hoe (English name: Broken Leg是一名夏安族战士 who attended Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute after his imprisonment at Fort Marion.

Koba (1848 - 1880)

Koba (English name: Wild Horse) was a Kiowa warrior. After his release from Fort Marion, he attended Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute in Virginia, worked on a farm in Massachusetts, and studied to be a tinsmith at Carlisle Indian Industrial School in Carlisle, 宾西法尼亚. 他死于肺结核 on a trip back to Indian Territory.

Tsait-kope-ta (1852 - 1910)

Tsait-kope-ta (English name: Bear Mountain) was a Kiowa warrior who later took the name Paul Caruthers.


嚎叫的狼(夏安族名字: Ho-na-nist-to)是夏安族人 warrior who was appointed sergeant of the guards at Fort Marion. 当他被释放时 spring of 1878, he intended to remain in the east to continue his education, but his eyesight 是失败的. After undergoing unsuccessful treatment in Boston, he returned to Indian Territory and rejoined his people on the reservation. Disillusioned by the poverty there, he spoke out for the rights of Native Americans and against the encroachment of Anglo-American culture, including the implementation of the Dawes Act in 1887. 他死于车祸.


Francis Parkman was a Boston historian and Harvard professor who traveled extensively in 北美和欧洲. 他的著作包括 奥勒冈 小道 (1849), 阴谋的历史 的庞蒂亚克 (1851)和 法国和英国 北美 (7波动率., 1865-1892). He lived with the Sioux for a few weeks in 1846.


布拉德·D. 战舞 at Fort Marion: Plains Indian War Prisoners. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 2006.

彼得森,凯伦·丹尼尔斯. 马里恩堡的平原印第安人艺术. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1971.

普拉特,理查德·亨利. Battlefield and Classroom: Four Decades with the American Indian, 1867-1904. 新 港湾:耶鲁大学出版社,1964年.

赫尔曼·J·维奥拉. 战士 Artists: Historic Cheyenne and Kiowa Indian Ledger Art Drawn by 使医学 and Zotom. 华盛顿特区.C.:国家地理学会,1998.

See also the 马萨诸塞州历史学会's "Focus On: Indian 分类账艺术”:http://gpk4.ayapsicoterapia.com/objects/cabinet/october2001/october2001.html.

See also the National Museum of American History's "Keeping History: 平原印第安人分类帐图”: http://americanhistory.si.edu/documentsgallery/exhibitions/ledger_drawing_1.html.


This 速写本 of Indian ledger art contains hand-colored sketches made by 使医学 and others, including Bear's Heart, 水牛肉, Etah-dle-uh Doanmoe, and Koba, Native American prisoners of war at Fort Marion in St. 奥古斯汀,佛罗里达. 印第安战俘, primarily from the Cheyenne and Kiowa Nations, were interned at Fort Marion for almost three 多年来,美国一直在努力解决这一问题.S. military to squash further Indigenous resistance, as part of its campaigns against the Cheyenne, Kiowa, Arapaho, and Comanche Nations in the Red River War of 1874-1875.

Also included in this collection is a map by Howling Wolf, sent as a message to his father in the form of a picture map on a postcard, of his voyage from Fort Marion to Savannah, Ga.


夫人的礼物. 约翰·福布斯·珀金斯,一月. 1956. Removed from the Francis Parkman papers (Ms. n - 645高).


原件的使用受到限制. This collection is available as color digital facsimiles (见以下链接). Microfilm and photocopies are also available for use in the library. 的 original 速写本 has been removed to 特殊的 Collections.


的 collection is also available on microfilm, P-245, 1卷.


Use the links below to access digital images of each page.

插入 digitized
Minimic的图片信,未注明日期从书上取页.未知艺术家.整版:23厘米× 16.5 cm.

Originally appeared in: Steele, Mrs. J. 多尔曼. "的 Indian Prisoners at Fort Marion." 全国教师月刊 3.8月10日(. 1877): 291.


Pictogram letter sent to Minimic from his 妻子 relaying information about his family. 塞进速写本里.


夫人的来信. J. 多尔曼 Steele interpreting pictogram letter sent to Minimic from his 妻子. 塞进速写本里.

插入 digitized
Howling Wolf's pictogram to his father Minimic, [1877]明信片上的石墨和墨水.《利记APP官网手机版》(夏安族).整页:7.5厘米× 13厘米.


Pictogram letter from Howling Wolf to his father Minimic, describing Howling Wolf's journey from Fort Marion to Savannah and beyond. 塞进速写本里.


Postcard addressed to Lieutenant Richard H. 普拉特. 塞进速写本里.

插入 digitized
Francis Parkman's translation of Howling Wolf's pictogram, undated纸墨.作者:弗朗西斯·帕克曼.整页:7.1厘米× 11.3 cm.

Short note from Francis Parkman translating Howling Wolf’s pictogram letter for Minimic. 塞进速写本里.

不明剪辑,日期不详新闻纸.未知的出版. 29厘米× 6厘米.


NOTE: This newspaper clipping has not been digitized. 看缩微胶片 (P-245)或影印本(Ms. S-56),以便查阅该项目的资料.

内前盖 digitized
"的 Indian prisoners who made these pictures...," [1877]纸墨.作者:弗朗西斯·帕克曼.整页:20.4厘米× 16.8 cm.

Description of contents of 速写本.

第1页 digitized
囚犯名册,[1877]墨在纸上.Written by 使医学 (Cheyenne).整页:20.4厘米× 16.8 cm.

List of names of prisoners held at Fort Marion, written out by 使医学.

2 - 3页 digitized
List of Native American names with English translations, [1877]墨在纸上.Written by 使医学 (Cheyenne).整页:20.4厘米× 16.8 cm.

List of Native American names and English translations.

第8页(插入) digitized
夏延水牛追逐,[1877]Ink, watercolor, colored pencil on wove paper, lined.Drawn by [使医学 (Cheyenne)]?图像:21厘米× 61.2 cm.

水牛追. 无符号, possibly by 使医学.

NOTE: 的 size of this drawing, the orientation of the lined paper, and the separations along the fold lines indicate that this page was folded and inserted into the 速写本.

第10 - 11页 digitized
美洲土著家庭群[?], [1877]Ink, watercolor, graphite on wove paper.熊之心(夏安族).图片:16.7厘米× 20.5 cm; full page: 20.5厘米× 33.2 cm.

无题家庭组. Campfire scene with 一种 and figures. 签名“小熊之心”."

第12页 digitized
Lieutenant Zalinski by 使医学, [1877]Ink, watercolor, colored pencil on wove paper.Drawn by 使医学 (Cheyenne).图像:14厘米× 13.2 cm; full page: 20.5厘米× 16.7 cm.

Portrait of Lieutenant Zalinski by 使医学.

页14日至15日 digitized
Native Americans hunting bear, [1877]Ink, watercolor, colored pencil on wove paper.Drawn by 使医学 (Cheyenne).图片:12.5 x 29 cm; full page: 20.5厘米× 33.3 cm.

Untitled picture of two mounted Native Americans hunting a bear. 签署了“ 医学."

16页 digitized
Chief 水牛肉 hunting buffalo, [1877]Ink, watercolor, colored pencil on wove paper.水牛肉(夏安族).Image: 18 cm x 16 cm; full page: 20.5厘米× 16.7 cm.

View of mounted Native American hunting buffalo. Signed "Cheyenne Chief / Buffalo Me et."

页18日至19日 digitized
U.S. Cavalry and 印第安人,[1877]Ink, watercolor, colored pencil on wove paper.Drawn by 使医学 (Cheyenne).图片:17.5厘米× 33.3 cm; full page: 20.5厘米× 33.3 cm.

美国的无题视图.S. Cavalry, troops, and field artillery advancing on Native American 酋长和战士,都骑着马. 签名“制药”."

第20 - 21页 digitized
Native Americans hunting buffalo, [1877]Ink, watercolor, colored pencil on wove paper.Drawn by 使医学 (Cheyenne).图像:17厘米× 32.5 cm; full page: 20.5厘米× 32.5 cm.

View of mounted Native Americans hunting buffalo. 签名“制药”."

22页 digitized
奥塞奇-基奥瓦谈判,[1877]Ink, watercolor, colored pencil, graphite on wove paper.Drawn by Etah-dle-uh Doanmoe (Kiowa).图片:16.5厘米× 16.7 cm; full page: 20.5厘米× 16.7 cm.

View of Osage and Kiowa in face-to-face parley. 在上面签了“Etah-dle-uh”.

页24 - 25日 digitized
苏族和尤特部落的战争,[1877]Ink, colored pencil, graphite on wove paper.Drawn by 使医学 (Cheyenne).图片:19 cm x 32 cm; full page: 20.5厘米× 33.3 cm.

Untitled view of battle between mounted Sioux and Ute. 签名“制药”."

页26 - 27日 digitized
Osage and Cheyenne tribes at war, [1877]Ink, colored pencil, graphite on wove paper.Drawn by 使医学 (Cheyenne).图片:20.5厘米× 33 cm; full page: 20.5厘米× 33.3 cm.

Untitled view of mounted battle between Osage and Cheyenne. 签名“制药”."

页面28 - 29日 digitized
夏安人猎野牛,[1877]水墨,水彩在编织纸上.熊之心(夏安族).图片:19 cm x 32 cm; full page: 20.5厘米× 33.3 cm.

夏安人猎水牛的景色. 签名“小熊之心”."

30 - 31页 digitized
奥塞奇族战争之舞,[1877]水墨,水彩在编织纸上.熊之心(夏安族).图片:19.5厘米× 30.5 cm; full page: 20.5厘米× 33.3 cm.

Osage 战舞 [signed] Bears Heart.

页面32-33 digitized
夏安族医学集会,[1877]水墨,水彩在编织纸上.熊之心(夏安族).图像:20厘米× 33.3 cm; full page: 20.5厘米× 33.3 cm.

Cheyenne medicine Pow-wow [signed] Bears Heart. View of ceremony under large tent amid 一种.

页面34-35 digitized
U.S. Cavalry advancing on Cheyenne village, [1877]Ink, watercolor, colored pencil on wove paper.熊之心(夏安族).图片:17.5厘米× 33.3 cm; full page: 20.5厘米× 33.3 cm.

美国的无题视图.S. Cavalry drawn up in ranks before Cheyenne village, with attacking 夏安族战士. 签名“小熊之心”."

36 - 37页 digitized
Osage warriors under attack by Cheyenne, [1877]Ink, watercolor, colored pencil on wove paper.水牛肉(夏安族).图片:20.5厘米× 33.3 cm; full page: 20.5厘米× 33.3 cm.

Untitled view of Osage warriors fighting off attacking 夏安族战士. 签名“水牛我” et / Chyenne."

页面38-39 digitized
Pawnee warriors under attack by Cheyenne, [1877]墨水,彩色铅笔在编织纸上.作者:科霍(夏安族).图片:19.5厘米× 33.3 cm; full page: 20.5厘米× 33.3 cm.

Untitled view of battle between Pawnee and Cheyenne. 签署“Co-hoe."

40页 digitized
夏延族酋长罗马鼻,[1877]Ink, watercolor, colored pencil on wove paper.Drawn by [使医学 (Cheyenne)].图像:14厘米× 13 cm; full page: 20.5厘米× 16.5 cm.

罗马鼻夏延族酋长. 归因于制造药物.

41页 digitized
夏安酋长白马,[1877]Ink, watercolor, colored pencil on wove paper.Drawn by 使医学 (Cheyenne).图片:16.5厘米× 11.5 cm; full page: 20.5厘米× 16.5 cm.

White Horse Cheyenne Chief / [signed] 使医学.

页面42-43 digitized
Native American buffalo hunt, [1877]Ink, colored pencil, graphite on wove paper.Drawn by 使医学 (Cheyenne).图片:15.5厘米× 33.2 cm; full page: 20.5厘米× 33.2 cm.

Untitled view of Native Americans hunting buffalo. 签名“制药”."

页面44-45 digitized
查斯克小姐,H小姐. 和肝移植. Zalinski, [1877]墨水,彩色铅笔在编织纸上.Drawn by 使医学 (Cheyenne).图片:13.3 cm x 28 cm; full page: 20.5厘米× 33.2 cm.

查斯克小姐H小姐. Lieut. Z. (Zalinski). Three figures on horseback, the ladies on side-saddles. 签名“制药”."

页面46-47 digitized
印第安人,[1877]墨水,彩色铅笔在编织纸上.Drawn by 使医学 (Cheyenne).图像:15厘米× 20.8 cm; full page: 20.5厘米× 33.2 cm.

Untitled view of standing Native American hailing mounted Native American. 签署了“ 医学."

50页 digitized
印第安人,[1877]水墨,水彩在编织纸上.熊之心(夏安族).图片:13.4厘米× 10.8 cm; full page: 20.5厘米× 16.8 cm.

Untitled view of mounted Native American. 签名“小熊之心”."

51页 digitized
印第安人酋长,[1877]水墨,水彩在编织纸上.熊之心(夏安族).图片:13 cm x 12 cm; full page: 20.5厘米× 16.8 cm.

Untitled view of mounted Native American chief. 签名“小熊之心”."

56页 digitized
受伤的基奥瓦勇士,[1877]水墨,水彩在编织纸上.Koba (Kiowa)绘制.图像:15厘米× 17.2 cm; full page: 16.8厘米× 20.5 cm.

Kiowa by Koba [wounded Native American warrior on wounded horse].

58页 digitized
Fighting Osage and Kiowa Chiefs, [1877]水墨,水彩在编织纸上.Koba (Kiowa)绘制.图像:16厘米× 20.4 cm; full page: 20.5厘米× 16.8 cm.

Untitled fight between mounted Osage and Kiowa. 签署“Koba."

60页 digitized
与基奥瓦勇士作战,[1877]水墨,水彩在编织纸上.作者:Tsait-kope-ta (Kiowa).图像:20厘米× 16.5 cm; full page: 20.5厘米× 16.8 cm.

Untitled view of mounted Kiowa, fighting. 签署“Tsait-kope-ta."

62页 digitized
印第安人与U.S. 国旗,[1877]墨水,彩色铅笔在编织纸上.Drawn by Etah-dle-uh Doanmoe (Kiowa).图片:16.1厘米× 13.7 cm; full page: 20.5厘米× 16.8 cm.

Untitled view of standing Native Americans, brave handing U.S. 向船长报旗. 签名“Eta de” 我是基奥瓦."

64页 digitized
勇敢射击[基奥瓦人]?[1877]Ink, watercolor, graphite on wove paper.Drawn by unidentified Native American.图片:17.4厘米× 10 cm; full page: 20.4厘米× 16.8 cm.

Untitled view of Osage warrior shooting [Kiowa?]首席. 无符号.

内后盖 digitized
Names of Native American prisoners, [1877]纸上石墨.Written by unidentified Native American(s).图片:17.5厘米× 11.5 cm; full page: 20.4厘米× 16.8 cm.

Seven names of Native American prisoners.


写生书 圣马里恩堡. 佛罗里达州奥古斯汀.马萨诸塞州 社会.


This collection is indexed under the following headings in 阿比盖尔, the online catalog of the 马萨诸塞州历史学会. 研究人员 desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog 使用这些标题.


Doanmoe (1856-1888.


玛丽昂堡(圣). 佛罗里达州奥古斯汀.).
Indians of 北美--By name--Bear's Heart.
Indians of 北美--By name--水牛肉.
Indians of 北美--By name--Etahdleuh Doanmoe.
Indians of 北美--By name--Howling Wolf.
Indians of 北美--By name--Koba.
Indians of 北美--By name--使医学.
Indians of 北美--Florida--St. 奥古斯汀.
囚犯——佛罗里达——圣. 奥古斯汀.